Our Ministries
At TUMC we have several internal groups that provide wonderful opportunities to grow in your faith!
Trinity Sisters in Fellowship
The Sisters in Fellowship offers three different small groups, two evening and one afternoon, which meet monthly. Hannah generally meets in the afternoon at Trinity UMC the first Thursday of each month. Faith and Naomi meet in the evening on the first Thursday of each month. Mission outreach as well as building friendships is the primary focus.
The JOY Fellowship
Once a month on the first Wednesday September through May, TUMC hosts a free community meal for people 55+. Come join us for an excellent time of fellowship, food and to hear from some distinguished guest presenters!
Trinity Pickup Choir
Come, find your voice with the TUMC Pickup Choir. Our choir meets and sporadically sings September-May during worship service.
New voices are always welcome!
Bible Studies
Ongoing Bible and book studies are scheduled throughout the year. Ongoing Christian Education activities provide members with the challenge to grow in their faith.
Meal Ministry
When a church family needs assistance and support when hospitalized, ill, etc. meals are delivered by members of this ministry.
TUMC Prayer Chain
Organized group of devoted individuals who activate the Prayer Chain when anyone has a request for prayer.
Sunday School
We have short term classes for adults, and weekly offerings for children under age 10 beginning in November 2019. Join us to learn more about the gospel
Vacation Bible School
This once-a-year week of faith-building activities, games, crafts and snacks brings children of our community the Good News of Jesus Christ!